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Best data processing engine: Flink vs Spark
Flink has been recently graduated top-level Apache Project. Flink started as a research project at the Technical University of Berlin in 2009. Spark was originally developed in the AMPLab at UC Berkeley in 2009 and became an Apache top-level project in February 2014. If Flink is less known than Spark, especially outside Europe, it is […]
Continue readingBest SQL-on-hadoop tool?
SQL on Hadoop: Drill, Impala or Spark SQL Drill, Impala and Spark SQL all fit into the SQL-on-Hadoop category. Apache Drill and Spark are both top level Apache projects. Impala is developed by Cloudera and shipped by Cloudera, MapR, Oracle and Amazon. Spark SQL is part of the Spark project and is mainly supported by […]
Continue readingStorm vs Spark
Real time data processing: Storm vs Spark Real time data processing has been made possible with tools like Storm or Spark streaming (both top-level project from Apache). You may wonder which one to choose. There are several things you should consider: scale latency iterative processing use what you know code reuse other language compatibility maturity […]
Continue readingHBase or Impala over HBase ?
Why choose Impala over HBase instead of simply using HBase ? You data are stored in HBase but you would like to use SQL requests and this is not possible as such with HBase, or you want to join data from a HBase table with data from a MySQL table. One solution is to use […]
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